Exchange your bonus points for tokens

Newtify is glad to reward all devoted users – hope you’ve earned enough points and are ready to exchange them for tokens!

5,000 points = 1 NF

Minimal amount for exchange is 25,000 bonus points


You can sell NF tokens on Uniswap

frequently asked questions

How to Add NF Tokens to Your MetaMask Wallet?

Step 1: Open MetaMask

Launch your MetaMask app and log in.
Ensure that you are connected to the Polygon Mainnet.

Step 2: Access the «Import Tokens» Feature

In the Token tab on the main screen, click «Import».

Step 3: Enter NF Token Details

In the «Custom Token» tab, enter the Token Contract Address:


«Token symbol» and «Token decimal» will be added automatically

Step 4: Add the Token

After filling in the required field, click the «Next» button.
Confirm by clicking the «Import» button.

Step 5: View Your NF Tokens

Your NF Tokens should now appear in your wallet balance under the «Tokens» tab on the main screen.

How Does the NF Token Price Work?

The price of the NF token is tied to its lifecycle and user activity within the app.

Here’s how it works

Step 1: Swipe More News Cards

The more you swipe, the more ads we can display in the app.

Step 2: Increased Ad Revenue

More ads generate higher ad revenue for Newtify.

Step 3: Revenue Invested in NF Token

25% of all ad revenue is reinvested to buy back NF tokens, increasing demand.

Step 4: Token Price Growth

As demand grows, the NF token price increases.

Step 5: Higher Earnings

A higher token price means you earn more value for swiping news cards.

This creates a self-sustaining, closed-loop system where your activity directly contributes to the token's value, benefiting the entire community.

You always can see the current NF token price on the Uniswap website.

How to Exchange NF Tokens to Other Cryptocurrencies?

After you exchange points for NF tokens and receive them in your MetaMask wallet, you can easily swap them for other cryptocurrencies.

Here’s how

Step 1: Connect MetaMask wallet to Uniswap

  • Visit the NF token page on Uniswap
  • Click «Connect» in the right upper corner
  • Select «WalletConnect» and connect MetaMask

Step 2: Ensure that you are connected to the Polygon Mainnet in MetaMask

  • Select «Polygon Mainnet» network in the upper left corner of your wallet account

Step 3: Select the Token Pair

  • Click «Swap» and select NF as the token you want to swap
  • Enter number of NF tokens you want to swap
  • Select a cryptocurrency you want to receive

Step 4: Check the Exchange Rate and Fees

  • Review the current exchange rate
  • Ensure you have enough Polygon token in your wallet to cover gas fees
  • Click «Approve and swap»

Step 5: Confirm the Swap in MetaMask

  • Approve the transaction by clicking «Approve»
  • Sign the transaction by clicking «Sign»
  • Confirm the swap by clicking «Confirm»

The swapped cryptocurrency will appear in your wallet after confirmation on the blockchain.

Remember, swapping tokens involves gas fees, so always ensure you have a sufficient Polygon balance in your wallet.

Got questions or problems with exchanging?

Don’t hesitate to contact us via: [email protected]